Title IX

Where Do I Find the Title IX Coordinator?

Office: Student Services (RM 222)
Amy Kotowski, Title IX Coordinator
Email: akotowski@nycollege.edu

Phone: 1-800-922-7337 ext. #507

Office: Registrar (RM 229)
Jacqueline McIntyre, Title IX Deputy 
Email: jmcintyre@nycollege.edu
Phone: 1-800-922-7337 ext.#505

What Is the Title IX Coordinator’s Role?
  • Ensure prompt & equitable resolution to complaints.
  • Conduct investigations for charges of sexual assault, harassment and discrimination.
  • Student outreach.
  • Oversee central reporting process for federal & state compliance.
  • Coordinate training, education & prevention.
  • Campus collaboration.
When Should I Contact the Title IX Coordinator?
  • To seek information or training about students’ rights and courses of action available to resolve reports or complaints that involve potential sexual misconduct, as well as claims of harassment and discrimination based upon race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age, disability or any other status protected by federal, state or local law.
  • File a complaint or make a report of sex discrimination, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and/or sexual assault or to file a complaint of harassment or discrimination based upon any class protected by federal, state or local law.
  • Notify the College of an incident or policy or procedure that may raise potential Title IX concerns.
  • Get information about available resources (including CONFIDENTIAL resources) and support services relating to sex discrimination, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual assault.
  • Ask questions about New York College of Health Professions’ policies and procedures related to harassment and discrimination, sexual discrimination, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and/or sexual assault.

Training Materials and Resources

Training Materials and Resources for Title IX Coordinator(s), decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process for Title IX Complaints are available for review below.

The resources displayed on the webpage represent all trainings made available to New York College’s institutional members to facilitate compliance with federal education requirements, including Section 106.45(b) of the 2020 Final Title IX Rule.

Title IX Training Slide for Module 1


Title IX Training Slide

An Introduction to Managing Title IX – Sexual Harassment on Campus

Formal Complaints of Title IX – Sexual Harassment

Title IX Investigations & Informal – Resolutions

Title IX Hearings

Title IX Determinations

Title IX Appeals

Title IX Compliance Checklist

Title IX Policy and Procedures

Additional Resources

Discrimination Based on Pregnancy and Related Conditions

Title IX Procedural Requirements

Summary of Major Provisions of the Department of Education’s Title IX Final Rule

To visit the college, contact the Admissions Department at admission@nycollege.edu or call 516-364- 0808 ext 501

Reviewed 2024 02